Book an appointment

If you have a particular question about the process and how I work, please do email me on, or contact me on 07480560770. I aim to reply within 48 hours.

If you would like to book an initial, free 15-minute meeting online using a Teams link, or by telephone, please fill in the details below. Once I’ve received it, I will email you to arrange a time that suits us both. I look forward to hearing from you.

When you press submit

The information you enter on this contact form will be held on a secure client management software system. I will use the email and/or phone number you provide

in this form to contact you. If you decide to book sessions with me after your assessment, I will ask you to sign a contract(including more details of how your data will be protected) and this, along with brief notes about our sessions, will also be stored on Bacpac.