Outdoor Therapy

I work with clients 1-1 outdoors at  St Ives, Bingley and Hirst Wood, Saltaire. Sessions vary depending on location and client preference. We may walk for the whole 50 minutes, or sit and rest and chat and take in our surroundings. It’s informal, so we’ll be led by your needs - you set the pace.

If, like me you always feel better for a walk, you will probably really love the freedom of outdoor thearpy. It works in a similar way to indoor counselling in that we would meet at the same time every week or fortnight and walk side by side while you talk. We will have an inital phone consultation to assess how suitable it is for us and after that we will meet at a chosen location. We usually walk in all weathers but of course, we plan a contingency plan if the weather doesn't suit you, or you need something easier that day.
This type of therapy is ideal for mums and babies and the walk can be chosen to suit prams and wheelchairs. It also can suit clients who prefer less eye contact, as we walk side by side.


Benefits of Outdoor Therapy

  • Being on the move encourages fluidity of thought and speech enabling you to think more creatively and freely.

  • You get all the additional benefits of physical exercise!

  • The conditions outdoors stimulate the senses and evoke individual and unique responses to the environment around us in a way that is very different from working in a room.


  • The conditions outdoors stimulate the senses and evoke individual and unique responses to the environment around us in a way that is very different from working in a room.


  • Outdoors it seems so much easier to move out of the busy mind space that we usually occupy and into a more balanced appreciation of mind and body.